4 Simple Methods to Relieve Stress

  1. Breathe deeply
    Although we breathe all day every day we don’t focus on breathing deeply enough to relax your mind and body. Try sitting quietly, with your eyes closed and breathe in deeply for a count of five and out for a count of five. Focus on your breath and relax into it.
  2. Get out!
    Take a walk outside. Spending all of your time indoors separates us from nature. Just walking outside in the sunshine can improve your mood.
  3. Meditate
    Take just five minutes a day to relax deeply. Close your eyes and sit very still and try to clear your mind. If thoughts keeps creeping in, use a phrase that you can repeat silently to refocus. Repeat something as simple as “I am in peace” to try to keep outside thoughts from distracting you.
  4. Write your heart out.
    Express your thoughts and feelings in writing to release your stress. Try writing out your thoughts of gratitude will help your with refocusing your mood on the good things in your life.

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