All Natural Glass Window Cleaner 

window cleaner

How often do you grab that bottle of blue liquid to clean your windows without even thinking of what is in it? Here is the ingredients list from the patent of the product:

  • 4.0% isopropyl alcohol (a highly volatile solvent)
  • 1% ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (a less volatile solvent)
  • 0.1% sodium lauryl sulfate (a surfactant)
  • 0.01% tetrasodium pyrophosphate (a water softener)
  • 0.05% of 28% ammonia
  • 1% of a dye solution
  • 0.01% perfume

I don’t know about you but that’s way to many ingredients just to clean my windows! Some of them I don’t even keep in my house because they are so toxic. In our effort to make our lives more natural and less toxic, I have an all natural solution to clean your windows.

All Natural Glass Window Cleaner
Recipe type: Natural Products
Cuisine: Non-Edible
  1. Put into spray bottle and shake to blend.

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