Art & Visual Complexity

art arrangement

Art can make a giant contribution to the impact of any room in your house.  

However, it can also over stimulate the senses!


The way you display the art is very much important. One piece of art sometime needs to stand alone. An art wall with the pictures placed perfectly can make an impressive and enjoyable wall. Here are some excellent things to consider:

  • When designing an art wall with 3 or more pictures to group always start with the largest pieces to anchor the arrangement.  It helps to lay the art on the floor and move the other art around the largest piece.  This allows you to experiment and “feel” the arrangement.
  • Don’t hang your pictures too high.  A good general rule of thumb is to hang the center of the art at eye level.
  • Small single pictures should be hung lower than normal.  Just above a tabletop and to the side of a fireplace or at the level of the mantle is a good height for small pictures.
  • Look for architecture or existing pieces to frame the artwork you are ready to hang.  Above a sofa, fireplace and between 2 windows are favorite locations for art because they offer great frames.
  • Consider stacking a pair of pictures instead of side by side.  If they are different sizes, it is better to hang the large above the small in most cases.
  • Use light to accent your artwork, recessed down lights and spot lights are great for art.
  • Art shelves can offer easy mounting, display and rotation of art.  They also can take the place of some furniture pieces.
  • Don’t be afraid to use modern art in a traditional room.  This can be one of the most exciting of all contrasts in mood.
  • Consider the frame with the art, don’t be afraid to re-frame.
  • Hang your art securely. You don’t want it to be a danger zone.


Finally, use your own judgment.  Each piece of art is individual and special so the placement should reflect this.


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