All Natural Glass Window Cleaner

How often do you grab that bottle of blue liquid to clean your windows without even thinking of what is in it? Here is the ingredients list from the patent of the product: 4.0% isopropyl alcohol (a highly volatile solvent) 1% ethylene glycol monobutyl ether (a less volatile solvent) 0.1% sodium lauryl sulfate (a surfactant)…
Myrrh Essential Oil

Myrrh is steam distilled from the gummy resin of the small, thorny Myrrh tree and has been used for centuries for its internal and external health benefits. Myrrh was deemed so valuable in ancient times that at times it was valued at its weight in gold. Myrrh has been used throughout history as a perfume,…
What Changes Matter

Prior to this site, I started my journey to an overall healthier lifestyle while recording it on another blog. I have had my triumphs, some funny adventures and of course, some silly mistakes. I’ve spent the last year working on my transformation. The theme of my journey is progress not perfection. I am not expecting…
All Purpose Natural Cleaner

We use so many chemicals in our daily lives that we are suffering from toxin overload! From the makeup we put on our faces to the deodorant we use to the additives in our foods, we are surrounded by toxins. Let’s look towards the new year with a new attitude to clean out our bodies…
Stuffed Bell Peppers with a Twist

This used to be a staple when my children were young. They loved getting their own “container” of food. The colorful peppers make dinner look so inviting. Try out different sauces when recreating old standards. Take a twist on the classic stuffed peppers by using Hoisin sauce as the binding liquid. Stuffed Bell Peppers with…
Natural Alternatives to Conventional Medicine

In Suzy Cohen’s book “Diabetes Without Drugs,” she offers some natural alternatives to conventional treatments that should be a first course of action before resorting to medications. If you haven’t read Suzy’s book, I suggest you do so. She believes, as I do, that diabetes can be “treated by natural means, like food and vitamins,…
Frankincense Essential Oil

Historically, Frankincense was used as Holy oil in the Middle East. It was used during sacrificial ceremonies to help improve communication with the creator. It is used to alleviate allergies, aging, bronchitis, insect and snake bites, carbuncles, cancer, colds, catarrh, diarrhea, coughs, gonorrhea, diphtheria, hemorrhaging, headaches, high blood pressure, herpes, jaundice, inflammation, meningitis, laryngitis, prostate problems,…
4 Tips To Eating Optimally While Socializing

Holidays seem to have one social event after another that all involve eating. These suggestions can help especially if you don’t eat certain foods due to an allergy or intolerance. If you want to be successful in your continued pursuit of eating optimally, try out these tips. Eat a small meal at home before going…
Want to Stay Healthy – Eat With Your Family

It is important as the air we breathe – the feeling of belonging. Whether you are in a traditional family or a blended family of selected individuals, we all want to belong to a family unit. It is in our nature to want to be loved, feel a sense of security and belong to something…
Want To Keep Alzheimer’s At Bay?

We all know by now that we need 8 hours of sleep every night. Of course, you think it’s okay every now and then to stay up late and still make it to work on time the next morning. You can manage for a little while but then it catches up to you. You start…