Cinnamon Essential Oil

Cinnamon is derived from a tropical, evergreen tree that grows up to 45 feet high and has highly fragrant bark, leaves, and flowers. Extracted from bark, cinnamon oil contains strong cleansing and immune enhancing properties. Due to its high content of cinnamaldehyde, Cinnamon should be diluted with dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil when applied to the skin and only one to two drops are needed for internal benefits. Cinnamon is very purifying to the circulatory system and it helps promote circulation, both internally and when applied to the skin, helping to ease sore muscles and joints. Cinnamon helps maintain a healthy immune system, especially when seasonal threats are high. When diffused, Cinnamon promotes clear breathing while purifying the air. Cinnamon is frequently used in mouth rinses and gums for its oral health benefits. Cinnamon has a long history of culinary uses, adding spice to desserts, entrees, and hot drinks.

Cinnamon is steam distillation from bark.

The properties of Cinnamon:

  • Antibacterial
  • Antidepressant
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-infectious
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-parasitic
  • Antiseptic
  • Antispasmodic
  • Antiviral
  • Astringent
  • Immune stimulant
  • Purifier
  • Sexual stimulant
  • Warming

When diffused Cinnamon influences physical energy, love, money and courage.

How to apply Cinnamon

• Topically – Dilute 1:3 before using topically. Apply to reflex points and directly on area of concern.
• Aromatically – Diffuse cinnamon essential oil.
• Internally – Dilute one drop oil in 2 tsp. honey or 8 oz. of beverage. May need to dilute more for irritating mucus membrane. Not for children under 6 years old.


  • Put 2 drops in empty vegetable capsule for immune support.
  • Place 1 drop of Cinnamon essential oil in hot water or tea and drink slowly to soothe your throat.
  • Put 2–3 drops in a spray bottle for a quick and effective cleaning spray.
  • Place one drop on your toothbrush then add toothpaste.
  • Dilute with dōTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil then apply to cold, achy joints during winter time.


  • Promotes circulation both internally and when applied to the skin
  • Maintains a healthy immune system
  • Promotes oral health
  • Helps alleviate sore muscles and joints
  • Long used to flavor food and for its internal health benefits

Safety precautions using Cinnamon:

Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

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