Do You Eat Without Thinking?

Have you ever found yourself eating without even thinking about it? It may be emotional eating or some kind of unconscious desire that you have not addressed. When you find yourself in this situation, don’t beat yourself up. Realize that your body has some need that hasn’t been met. Stop for a minute and take a few deep breaths and reflect on the current situation. Allow yourself to explore the possibilities that food is just a substitute for another need that is not being fulfilled.

If you can, move away from the food and give yourself appreciation for your ability to do this. If you eat the food, don’t be hard on yourself. We all have needs and some don’t get met. You may use the food to comfort yourself. Just realize it and move on with resolve that you will be more self-aware. Next time, think before you eat – why am I eating this when I am not hungry? This awareness may help break the cycle of mindless eating.

If you need help with working through this type of issue, contact me and to set up an initial free consultation.

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