Processed Gluten-Free Food Isn’t Sugar Free

Processed gluten-free foods are everywhere now. Big name companies have come out with gluten-free versions of their brands. But don’t be fooled. Just because they are gluten-free does not mean that they are processed with healthy ingredients. In order to make the gluten-free food taste better sugar is added in some form. It may not say sugar on the package label but if there is an ingredient ending -ose, it’s some form of artificial sweetener.

There is plenty of whole foods that has always been gluten-free. Eat organic vegetables, pastured eggs, wild-caught fish, and grass-fed animal meats. Snack on raw nuts like almonds or Brazil nuts. Eat fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, or kefir.

Packaged food is designed to make you think they’re better for you through their marketing claims, many of which are outright false. Don’t waste your money on prepared gluten-free foods. They cost more and don’t provide the nourishment of whole foods.

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