Treat Stress Naturally

Stress is the brain’s response to any demand on the body. There are short-term and long-term stressors. A short-term stressor can be our response to feeling scared going through a haunted house. Long-term stressors include major life events like going through a divorce or a serious illness that can cause prolonged stress.

Initially, stress causes the body to feel anxiety. This causes the body to produce adrenaline and put us in the flight-or-fight mode. If stress continues, the body tries to adapt to the circumstances. With prolonged exposure to stress, the body may not be able to continue the coping mechanism and results in exhaustion.

Some natural remedies for dealing with stress are essential oils. Try diffusing lavender in the bedroom to help with relaxation and sleep. Mix a few drops in a warm bath water and soak the stress away. Blend together 2-3 drops of Balance and Lavender and massage the back of the ears to relieve stress.

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