10 Ways to Start the Year Anew


Take time to write your “Start Here” list before moving into the New Year.

  1. START by getting rid of junk people. Discontinue associating with people who pull you down. It’s said you are most like the five people you spend the most time with so rather hang around those who drain your energy with their negativity and narrow view of the world spend time with people who open your eyes to the expansiveness of the world. Life’s too short to carry junk into the New Year.
  2. START putting yourself first. If you’re surrounded by love you can get by with a little less of overextending your own needs. Give yourself a chance to recharge and renew.
  3. START being truthful yourself. Whether the issue is money, your job or a relationship, reevaluating your views to the realistic will help reduce the inevitable and needless misery in the meantime. If it’s time to make changes, give yourself permission to change your path to a happier you in the New Year.
  4. START forgiving yourself. No matter what happened in the past, it’s over and done, let it go and move forward. Hanging on to regret only fills your soul with dark emotions. Every mistake is a lesson learned. Living in the past sets you up for feelings of depression. Forgive yourself and move on.
  5. START pursuing happiness. You’ve heard it a thousand times because it’s true: if you’re not happy with yourself, you can’t be happy with anyone else.
  6. START getting involved in activities you enjoy. Get out of your rut and do something you haven’t done for that interests you. If you don’t have a clue what to do check out a MeetUp group and see what interests you.
  7. START believing in yourself. It’s not an easy thing to do to change your thinking but start by writing notes to yourself saying “I’m confident,” “I can do it myself,” I’m in charge of my happiness” and other sayings until it becomes a belief. Remain optimistic, it takes time.
  8. START loving life. Count your blessings instead of your misfortunes. Be happy for yourself even in the smallest way. Savor the happiness of others and it will spill over on you.
  9. START forgiving others. Holding onto a grudge only hurts one person – you. The act of forgiving frees you from the bonds of past pain. Your journey through this New Year will be a lot easier if you’re not dragging years of the past along with you.
  10. START defining boundaries. Too many times your energy gets zapped from other people’s problems because you allow them to dump on you. You have to help yourself first. Once you are where you need to be you can help others but not at your own expense.

Remember, you are the only person you MUST live with every day. You allow others into your personal space to complement your life not suck the life out of you.


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