What To Do With Thanksgiving Leftovers

Do you have a lot of leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner? (Or dinners in my case!)

  1. Pack individual meals in reusable containers and freeze them so you can just reheat them later.

  2. Use the leftover turkey bones to make bone broth and turkey soup. Boil the turkey carcass with meat on the bones in a large pot immersed in water overnight on low heat. The next day, remove the bones and cool. Pick off the turkey meat and add back to the pot. Add leftover vegetables – onions, carrots, or other sturdy vegetable to the pot and boil until soft. Add gluten-free noodles or rice and cook as directed on the package. Cool and place in individual reusable containers. They can also be frozen for use later.

  3. Use leftovers in creative ways. A stir fry can include any vegetable and proteins that are quickly heated in an oil. Use different oils and spices for a variety of flavors. There are endless varieties of options. Just use your imagination!

Even though you are probably tired of being in the kitchen after the holiday cooking spree, take time to make sure your leftovers are stored properly so they don’t go to waste. Estimate how much you will use within the next four days and then freeze the rest to enjoy the bounty of Thanksgiving later.

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